Category: Uncategorized
RichMakeGame E02
Enjoy latest in series of educational video
Draw Battle!
Rich start a draw battle with Luc Adr for fun. Feel rusty with first sketch. Hope ante will go up.
RichMakeGame Make Game E01
Rich take you on informative journey on how he makes game. This episode he look at how to generate random level and deal with bugs in Unity
heck yeah! I’ve always wanted to fool around with ragdolls and Unity lets me do it! w00t (wait, that sounds dodgy..)
err, anyway.. unity has a ‘ragdoll builder’ which I’m not using, so it took me a bit longer. reason I’m not using it is I’m going to be animating everything from inside unity, no skinned meshes. Since my characters are just going to be solid intersecting meshes though, it means dismemberment is on the cards :D. Let’s see if I can get an Addams Family style arterial blood spray simulation going when it’s all done.. hehe
process test
Made some non-authentic sushi for pub snacks yesterday 🙂 (parma ham+cucumber+peppers, avocado and peppers (v. nice) and tuna mayo/cucumber)
I haven’t dared to prepare any raw fish yet but making these is pretty good fun. You can use pretty much any ingredients that are fairly solid and go well with rice
yes, hmm. Unity seems to have the habit of letting you change variables as you play the game, then deciding that when you stop playing it’d be best if all your changes were reset. I don’t know why this is the desired behaviour but coming from quest where any change you make any time sticks, it sucks to think I’ll spend time tweaking values *just so* then I’ll have to make sure to jot down anything I changed, hope I don’t miss anything, then re-enter all the values again. Going to see if there’s some kind of solution to this
Edit: Ok, Antares has a solution for this- I knew that saving the graph saved variables edited inside the nodes, but it’ll also save any script variables if you edit them using unitys inspector. So, as long as you remember which gameobjects variables you’ve edited, you can go through the scripts before stopping the game, save the graphs and the values are all saved. Its a shame there’s no ‘save all graphs’ button, but it’s not terrible.
‘functionality’ update due soon
hey all! first PSC update is due soon (anywhere from today to monday at a guess, takes time to get approved. will post when it happens), which deals with some functional details like resolution options and key bindings. Hopefully I can move onto some more fun stuff now for the next update!
here’s the changelog: