
new pix, vid


New Vid, space zombies

Rich make new vid! this vid show zombies (zombies only work in progress) and new pickup gfx


Shootin’ and Collectin’

New pix! Roboduder shoot, roboduder fire multicolour grenade.. also with video!


Introducing Roboduder

Star of ElectroBlam! and test duder for Pineapple Smash Crew: Roboduder!



rich update graphics again.. more junk!



rich focus on varying up level looks. Made ships have power, reserve power or power out.. video!


Squad Game Update

ok, my space squad spaceship exploration game is undergoing a shake-up at the mo. the experience from the game prototype challenge and making ElectroBLAM! was really useful and caused me to refocus a bit on the exploration aspect of ‘squad game’ (can’t wait to give it a proper title :P)

ElectroBLAM! featured randomly generated levels, and I’ve taken this a step further this past week by improving the generation logic to create rooms and more interesting mazes, and also changing the generic tile blocks into various wall pieces (straight, corner, cross section, t junction, endcap, island and filler piece). here’s a screenshot of where it’s at:

still looking pretty sparse but it’s great to hit a button and see random room designs pop into existence! Also, going with the pixel art texture design seems like a good choice right now. not only does it look all cool and retro, but it should allow me to create a really diverse texture set for ships. plus I love pixelling! the texture at the mo is just a quick placeholder.


ElectroBLAM! art update

added a main robot character and some pointy bad guys, and some explosions!

I’ve really been enjoying this challenge. Learning a lot quickly, and being forced to try some stuff I’ve been avoiding doing. Turns out stuff you put off is never as hard as you imagine 🙂



update, and the GPC 06 game is now called ElectroBLAM!
Download (3 meg): [url][/url]

I’ve added some bad guys to kill in this version. the idea is you charge up the yellow orbs and then smack them into the bad guys to kill them 🙂 there are unlimited bad guys in this version, and you don’t take any damage..
controls are in the readme!


Game Prototype Challenge 6

So I decided to take part in the Game Prototype Challenge, located over here:

the themes this month are Electricity and Closure.

After rooting around on wikipedia and google, I kept coming back to the idea of electromagnets- using electricity to activate them. The current idea in the prototype is you are some kind of electricity controlling guy/thing, and the floor is a grid of magnets. by standing on one and powering it, you can manipulate objects using magnetism..

as for closure, I’m not quite sure yet. I’m thinking of linking it in to the backstory/setting somehow..

here’s a pic of how things look so far..

and a vid, which is rather more interesting: